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Image by John-Mark Smith



Baptist Faith and Message 2000

Here at Throne of Grace, we hold to this confession of faith created and adopted by the SBC in 2000.


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Our Biblical Model

We are committed to being a local church that models the family of God we see represented in Scripture and perhaps most practically in Acts 2:42-47.  Therefore, we strive to be devoted to the following four things:


  •  Apostle’s teaching – the study and application of the inerrant Word of God

  • Fellowship – becoming an intimate family that cares for physical & spiritual needs

  • Breaking of Bread – celebrating The LORD’s Supper together & enjoying His grace

  • Prayers – living as people completely dependent upon our LORD

Explanation of Jesus

We believe in a Trinitarian God.  God is one nature but three distinct persons.  We will worship the Father and the Son by the power of the indwelling Spirit.  We will consistently seek to put the mercy and grace of our loving Father at the center of our worship.  This means that our focus will be on the redeeming work of Jesus Christ and we will seek to highly exalt Him (Philippians 2:9).

New Birth

We believe the Scriptures clearly teach that a person must be born-again by the Spirit of God (John 3:15) in order to be “saved” and referred to as “Christian”.  Only one who has been born-again has the presence of the Holy Spirit within them and is spiritually alive (Ephesians 2:1-10).  Only the spiritually alive have the ability to faithfully follow Jesus as their LORD.  Therefore, we will seek to differentiate our method of teaching such that we evangelize the unregenerate and disciple those who have been brought to spiritual life.


We are committed to the model of discipleship we see taught and modeled for us in Scripture.  Therefore, we will seek to teach the Bible and help to practically apply biblical concepts in both one-on-one and small group settings.


Christ gave the Church a very clear mission to “make disciples of all nations” and to “be my witnesses”.  Therefore, we will seek to do both by regularly and intentionally reaching out into our community to share the good news of Jesus Christ with our neighbors. 

Sovereignty of God

We believe in the absolute sovereign rule of God over all created things, including angels and demons (Job 1:6-12).   Evil continues to exist because God allows it to do so, for the time being.  We long for the day when God will redeem all of creation and make all things new (Rev 21).  Until then, we seek to serve and honor Christ with our lives as His disciples.

Sufficiency of Scripture

We believe the Word of God (Bible) is the source of truth and the only reliable guide for life.  A lifelong commitment to knowing the Word of God and obeying it is our only hope for growing to be like our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ.

Man's Role In Salvation

It is God who saves according to his great mercy (Romans 12:1).  We were “dead in our transgressions” but were made alive by God by His grace and through faith (Ephesians 2:8).  Men exercise faith in Jesus but not until the regenerating power of the Holy Spirit brings us to life and gives them the ability to do so.  The work of salvation is entirely of God, not a work of man, therefore man cannot boast (Ephesians 2:9).

The Church

We believe the Universal Church is the sum total of all people who have been born-again by the Spirit and have become part of the Kingdom of Christ.  This Kingdom of Christ is also referred to as the Body of Christ and the Bride of Christ.  The local church is a collection of these people who join together as a family and seek to grow and mature as they live out their faith together.


2853 Cleveland Blvd. Louisville, KY 40206

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